Ranked server starting times are...

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von pierredietze, 19. Februar 2021.

  1. pierredietze

    pierredietze Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    8. September 2017
    +232 / 0 / -0

    utterly nonsense!

    Why does the same race start to the same time TWICE? This is so frustrating. I am 47 year old working father with very view time for my hobby. Starting RRRE for a multiplayer race and 4 server (2x Daytona and 2x Nürburgring) just switching to Qualifying the same time. Half an hour later the same game with Spa and WG?
    Is'nt it possible to rotate (i.e) Daytona and Nürburgring and start 15 minutes time-shifted?
    - on the hour - Daytona1
    - quarter past - Nürburgring1
    - half past - Daytona2
    - quarter before - Nürburgring2

    The same system for Spa and WG and maybe time shifted to Daytona and Nürburgring?
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  2. GooseCreature

    GooseCreature Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    30. Mai 2015
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    Won't that muck up things for the people on a session, as it takes half an hour to compete in an event, you'd have to wait another 45 mins for the rotation to come back round and take part in the alternative event, guessing it's like this so it appears to flow from one event to the next. There's always 2 events that are constantly running, a Rookie and another or are they both Rookie, I can't bloody remember it was all of 10 mins ago I was on there, how is an old man supposed to hold all this information for so long? Early day's of ranking, surely there will be changes afoot, perhaps running one event every 15 mins twice then swap to another for 2 x 15 min slots. Sure something like this will happen as things seem to be becoming quite popular. Hoorah!!
  3. Felix Perez

    Felix Perez Member

    Registriert seit:
    6. Dezember 2020
    +5 / 0 / -0
    I would add, why are the announced schedules not met? At the half hours that the announced server will have been, this week for example wtcr, and the hours on the dot the gt3 server
  4. Ricardo Rebelo

    Ricardo Rebelo Member

    Registriert seit:
    11. Oktober 2019
    +13 / 0 / -0
    The servers "on the hour" appear at minute :45 and the servers "half past the hour" at minute :15. Then, you have the 25 minute "practice" for drivers to join, so you should be able to connect to them on the hour or half past the hour, whichever the case.
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  5. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Registriert seit:
    15. April 2018
    +873 / 0 / -0
    As above server spawn slightly earlier than announced to allow extra practice time. If you were to join exactly on the hour for example though you would still get 10 mins practice followed by Q and R.
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