The Project CARS thread

Dieses Thema im Forum "Off Topic" wurde erstellt von ::SKRO::, 7. Mai 2015.

  1. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

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    1. Februar 2015
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    I am really tempted, just not sure I have the time as I play a lot of AC, pCARS and R3E.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

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    1. Februar 2015
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    Yeah the replays are not pCARS strongest point for sure. I get a pretty bad stutter every so often in mine, I must admit I don't tend to bother with the replays all that much, especially with Assetto's looking so damn good!

    If you like driving sims and have an open mind about all the flaws then pCARS is a good bet. It does some things better than R3E, but then there's some things that R3E does better than pCARS. I play both a lot and enjoy both a lot (as well as AC!)
  3. Elva

    Elva Member

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    1. Juli 2015
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    Check out the Wedge's Visions mod for GSCE. Makes it look a bit better imo:

    You should definitely try it out though, it's my favorite sim together with R3E. The physics, ffb and AI are superb and the sound is pretty good too. That's 4 things Project Cars couldn't get right.
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  4. Peevee88

    Peevee88 Member

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    1. Mai 2015
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    You probably will stop driving all three!
    Word of advice stick to the original GSCE content - many addons but mostly poor quality. Even the obscure GSCE original Brazilian race tracks are great to drive and because they are short (most less than 3.5km) they are easy to learn. And the Brazilian V8's (2013 or 2014) are amazing - better in all aspects than the 2014 DTM in RRE
    Money well spent trust us...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

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    1. Februar 2015
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    Hmmm I do fancy a crack at the obscure tracks....I also love interlargos Why did you dislike the post I said about not having enough time?!
  6. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

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    1. Februar 2015
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    Sounds interesting, regarding the physics, is it slidey ice racing style with sudden grip loss like AC or is grip loss more progressive and arguably more realistic like pCARS. I am NOT in the harder to drive = more realistic camp.

    Yeah, um I'm happy with the FFB on my CSR, the physics are subjectively as good as any sim out there, and the sounds although not brilliant are more than good enough in many areas. I'll conceede the Ai is problematic.
  7. shardshunt

    shardshunt Well-Known Member

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    29. Januar 2015
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    I think you mean iracing... ac has the most progressive physics on the market. this is reflected in the size hardcore drift community. (understand that if your driving soft sprung road cars or high downforce gt cars slidy ice racing is entirely realistic(but i understand you dont care about that to much.))

    personally i like games that are realistic but have easy cars that have supper progressive grip. try any of the classic cars like the cobra or the yellow bird they are both super progressive. this is also why i like the classic cars in r3e.
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  8. Peevee88

    Peevee88 Member

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    1. Mai 2015
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    Because if you wasting your time with AC, pC and RRE - save time and run one sim: GSCE ;-)
  9. Peevee88

    Peevee88 Member

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    1. Mai 2015
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    Trust me it's the whole physics package of the Brazilian V8s that is impressive and for sure not like iceRacing at all.
    For example: you get on the sand with two wheels sure you lose time but you can save it, you can recover if you go off track - and of course you are rewarded with fast laps the smoother and precise you are, while driving the right lines and doing all the right racing things.
    I find RRE good to a point, but saving the car is far too easy, there are lines you can drive fast which would sometimes be unrealistic. Too often do I have a big moment, ave it and then shake my had and say: that should not have happened... more arcade than sim imo - and honestly in RRE (which I enjoy make no mistake) I find the difference in car physics hardly noticeable when you take away the sounds and visuals (eg.cockpit)
  10. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

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    1. Februar 2015
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    It's not that I don't "care" per se, it's the fact that I don't necessarily think slidey is more realistic. For me personally some cars (mainly racers) in AC have too sudden a grip loss. But I'm like you in that I use the Yellow bird and Cobra a lot for fun.

    ;) I see!! I don't just play racing sims though! ;) Currently putting a lot of time (3-4 hours a day!) into Elite: Dangerous (on my way to the centre of the galaxy and the Super massive Black Hole Sagittarius A!)and Alien Isolation!!

    Well I've just ordered a 1tb WD black HDD for extra game storage (I'm planning on re-installing FSX and GTR2 (both with TONNES of mods!)) so will prolly get it then along with RF2.
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  11. k.C goran

    k.C goran Well-Known Member

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    20. Februar 2015
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    Hi all,

    I have to say that I didn't read this Thread so often.But anyway I get the chance to test P-cars for short.Roundabout 20h with my PC,Wheel and Pedals.So, what I was testing was 3 Tracks with a couple of car's.Here they are.

    • Tracks: 1.Monza GP(since Race 07,with which I started Sim Racing in March 2013,I take this Track as a reference to Braking Points,Acceleration and testing overall Racing Car's with different Setup's and different Config's of Hardware like Wheel and Pedal's,Graphic's and so on).



    Car's:BMW M3 GT2,Z4 GT3 and the 320 e21 Turbo of the Group 5 class.

    Ford Zakspeed Capri Group 5.

    Audi R18 TDI (just for fun,my nickname for this car is "German Diesel Power")

    Mercedes Benz SLS AMG GT3

    So,my first impression was,after clicking through Menu's that I never saw before,is that it looks more like a complete Game!(SIM??!?)But who care's about Menu's???I want to drive and have the real thing!Luckily I find a good Force Feedback Config for my Wheel.Even better then in R3E.Should test more with R3E FF-settings.There is aThread for it!The Graphic's was a bit better than in R3E,but only with 60 fps,which I don't like cause I got a 27" BENQ that does 144hz.Well,the feeling of the Car's with shortly tested Setup's was bad.I didn't truly get the feeling of handling the Car's.Feels more like a Console Game that tries to touch Sim-Racing,or should I say Simcade???!?
    For this short Testing it is not cool to say that I find it completely bad,but if we talk about "Immersion",my opinion is that R3E is closer for now!
    Can't say nothing about the so called "Netcode" because I was only driving Free Practice.

    The Sound's...what should I say..grats to Mr. Anthony Monteil,you won!...definitively.
    I remember this vid from the Z4 GT3 of P-Cars.

    During driving sounds horrible,whether in Cockpit or Car View

    Overall I think,that the Sector3 guys do a good job.Hopefully it turn's in that what we all want..Pure and Fair Sim-racing!

    So,my personal hope is,even if I spend a lot of money on R3E,that it's worth for the Money and the Time.It is still Beta/Alpha,but I don't care for now.
    Let's see where this journey goes...
    k.C goran
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    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 21. Dezember 2015
  12. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

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    5. Dezember 2015
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    Edit- Bit late posting this but its another opinion.

    Use the money your considering spending on it on something else, or wait for Pcars2, it just dosnt feel good to me, i cant immerse myself in it, the cars feel like im i dont know hard to explain, something about it just dosnt feel right when driving and i cant pick something and say its because of this or that it just feels off to me. I got it on release played for about 70ish hours in total and blew my computer up so couldnt drive anything but older games till recently, after playing RR and Dirt Rally then going to Pcars for me personally, God No!
    From the convoluted menu system, silly controller setup\settings to the total lack of immersion on the track, naaa, its a great looking game and thats it for me.

    I just read KC Gorans reply while typing this, immersion its that word, there is none, ymmv!

    I just wish RR would get the basics added and i would be a happy camper!
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 6. Januar 2016
  13. St3fan

    St3fan Member

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    22. November 2015
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    PCars doesn't have engine start sound, which makes the engine stall/start function sound really pathetic compared with R3E and others. Things like that are really constantly annoying when the whole package looks great but missing things here and there.

    I've heard from some beta testers that the sequel is better and looks promising (he says many people criticize PCrs for having brakes way too effective and it's no more in PCars2), but I really can't have faith in them. I've tried really hard to love PCars, forcing myself to keep playing and log over 100 hours, but it is very often that I ask myself: why am I doing this?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. m.bohlken

    m.bohlken Well-Known Member

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    29. Januar 2015
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    Sadly same for me... During the development of PCars I was a "WMD-Team-member" and so I was able to try the latest builds. I read a lot how good Pcars is and I always thought that my settings seems to be wrong - that hasn't changed till release and even get worse. The Builds I've tested before the release were in a state in which I thought that they are joking that they really want to release it now - but it wasn't and the comments that stated how good it is even grow. So I decide that it might be not my cup of tea and leave it aside...
    But that leads me now to a state in which I'm quite skeptical about comments regarding Pcar2.
  15. RacingManiac

    RacingManiac Member

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    25. Januar 2016
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    For the $20 I've spent (bought post-ver 7) I thought it wasn't bad at all. Graphics is definitely pretty, day-night-weather is quite good. I like the track list and car selection. Though it definitely brought back all the annoyance of a PC game after spending so long away on Gran Turismo. The amount of fiddling needed was a big turn off. FFB needs lots of work to dial in and frankly I don't understand why it needs to be per car/track for all the setting all the time. When set though it feels pretty good, though some cars better than others. Sensation of speed is pretty impressive in that game. Sound isn't great, just better than GT but that ain't saying much. Coming from old Simbin titles and then GT having fictional livery in pCARS were kinda odd. Physics wise I thought it was pretty good, some odd low speed tendency that I can't quite put a cause to it but seems mostly ok. The Ruf CTR was probably as good as a RR car I can remember driving since the GT Legend's 911. The Career mode is an interesting touch. The AI though is pretty bad. Leaving at the same level they are uneven with the cars/tracks you race on, and sometimes almost as bad as Gran Turismo in their obliviousness of your existence. I remember old Simbin games had better AIs(and R3E are much more like what I remembered). Its missing some cars that I'd like which is what brought me to R3E since I like FWD Touring cars and DTMs and both were kinda lacking.

    I'd say buying it onsale pCARS is good, if you can stand the fiddling...
  16. St3fan

    St3fan Member

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    I agree. But I spent $60 for pre-order, and when I tried to state that it wasn't worth it after I spent about 3 hours on release day, I got kind of attacked by people with really weird reasons such as I didn't have a motion platform to experience how awesome it was.

    To me it feels that they just couldn't be bothered to figure out what they feel the best for each car. So they just leave that to gamers to fiddle with themselves.

    I think many cars have good sounds but some don't. Also there is no sound at all when you start the engine, which really feels pathetic. Stall the car, hit the button, and the car can now move again with no sound cue at all. It makes me feel that I'm playing a game.

    I've tried really hard to love this game. I've spent more than 100 hours in total, among which about 70 hours are spent in career mode. While probably one of the most polished career mode, AI definitely kills the charm. Also the career mode is still just a collection of quite random races. Unlike in Race07 or SCE you really have real racing series, PCars career mode gives this feeling that all the races are quite randomly thrown into the "calendar". For example every year the 24h Le Mans is in mid December. They do have Le Mans license, so I really expect them to make Le Mans experience much more polished and thought out than this.[/QUOTE]
  17. RacingManiac

    RacingManiac Member

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    25. Januar 2016
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    I kinda like the idea of racing a few different kind of cars in a season following different dates since that's what a Pro does in real life in lower rungs, you jump into whatever cars offered to you. But yeah its sometimes kinda uneven and that its often not fun dealing with the AI. Although I haven't played many single race yet the idea that it doesn't have custom grid(I think there are mods addressing this now) or not able to build custom calendar with the list of cars and tracks they have seems like a gross oversight. I think R3E kept that idea(calendar at least) from Race07 and that was a good design decision.
  18. Bartosz Janus

    Bartosz Janus Member

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    18. Januar 2015
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    May I say sth about fancy pants PCars...

    I mean yes it does have a mind boggling graphics detailed mechanics....however it is insanely buggy.

    I mean seriously. In our community it is not possible to overlook such dramatic graphic mistakes.

    ....amd las but not least - multiplayer due to some mysterious issues I can't start any online game nor join into.

    All in all RRE is way more better and I am so proud to be here :)
  19. Paradox Agi

    Paradox Agi Active Member

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    26. Dezember 2015
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    I tried PCars today and the Audi R8 LMS Ultra felt like swimming somehow. It was more like handling a boat than a car. Further, the engine sound was crappy, as if my speakers were broken and the graphics (on default settings) were flickering like hell. Last but not least, the FFB was present but pointless, as I did not get any useful information from it. Okay, for that I had to overcome that 'boaty' feeling. I remembered the game as it was much better... before I seriously started playing R3E. No, I can't go along with these physics.
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  20. RacingManiac

    RacingManiac Member

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    25. Januar 2016
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    I actually like pCARS's FFB better vs R3E. But then again its quite car dependent. The aforementioned R8 LMS seemed fine to me in the game. But I have no comparison of that car in R3E since I didn't buy any of the GT3 cars here. pCARS just need a ton of fiddling with the FFB setting to get it working to the way I like. But it seems to take advantage of the ability of the T500 quite well. R3E gets 90% of the FFB with maybe 10% of the time spent fiddling it and it drove like all the old Simbin game that I remembered which is more than good enough for me. I honestly never felt the cars in pCARS as particularly floaty or bad, just if the FFB was off it can be really off. And that game still seems way too finicky at low speed handling than it ought to be.