Bug BMW E90 320

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by Muzarati, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. Muzarati

    Muzarati Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    +24 / 0 / -0
    Maybe not a dog after all? o_O
    Normally the default setups are pretty much on the money but tonight I have played around a bit more with this thing and by taking some wing out, reducing front camber, softening the front arb and moving bb backward, it does feel a lot better. :)
  2. Alex Hodgkinson

    Alex Hodgkinson KW Studios Developer

    Jun 5, 2017
    +1,952 / 0 / -0
    It uses exactly the same tyres as the other cars in class, so they are optimised for FWD. With a much closer to 50/50 weight distribution it will indeed generate less tyre heat across the individual axles. However average temperatures across all 4 tyres will be similar to what you will see with the other cars.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +362 / 0 / -0
    Does that mean that you benefit from pushing harder and driving more aggressively to build up heat? Or these semi-cool temperatures should be considered normal?
  4. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Apr 15, 2018
    +873 / 0 / -0
    They should be fine, they tyres have a wider operating window than people think. Remember the fwd cars all the energy is going through the front tyres so they will naturally be hotter while the rears appear stone cold (but even they have grip). The benefit of not having the fronts driven is you can indeed push them a little harder, either through driving style or setup. The real test is are you able to do the same laptimes in both type of car.
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  5. Muzarati

    Muzarati Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    +24 / 0 / -0
    So just to clarify, where are we in regards to parity between the FWD & RWD in this series? There was an issue with BOP mentioned earlier, with the new update, has this all been looked into and balanced out or is there a possibility those issues remain? (I don't know how the update works? ) o_O
  6. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Apr 15, 2018
    +873 / 0 / -0
    It's a total blank sheet rework so physics and BOP have been done and they should be comparable on most tracks.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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