Problem Minor but really annoying wheel animation

Dieses Thema im Forum "Community Support" wurde erstellt von Not Lifting Off, 14. März 2019.

  1. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    Recent issue, stuck at 360 goes 180 in either direction.
    Tried new wheel profile, renamed old and created new user folder, dosnt matter what i try the animation never changes, in game tried auto, manual 450 900 400 whatever wheel animation is always 360.
    Had this wheel 3-4 weeks whatever it is, im sure the animation was ok previously and has only recently started last week or so, maybe wrong! Was having other issues so probably didnt pay this much attention, could be its been since i got this wheel either way, suggestions!

    Edit - Accuforce V1
  2. Alex Hodgkinson

    Alex Hodgkinson KW Studios Developer

    Registriert seit:
    5. Juni 2017
    +1.952 / 0 / -0
    First thing to check: does your wheel input match what the game is seeing?
    Map a key for input meter, switch it on and then check and compare then report back please.
  3. RWB Charger

    RWB Charger Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. November 2018
    +99 / 0 / -0
    Are you using the AF profile?
  4. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    With the meter miles out, I started typing what i had tried and the varying results but it was getting long and kinda convoluted, i`ll type it up better tomorrow (later today).
    Yes, but happens regardless of SC4.
  5. RWB Charger

    RWB Charger Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. November 2018
    +99 / 0 / -0
    I mean in the game one regardless of SC4?
  6. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    Sorry, yes.
  7. RWB Charger

    RWB Charger Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. November 2018
    +99 / 0 / -0
    Don't use that do a custom one, try this......


    • supa.rcs
      22 KB
  8. RWB Charger

    RWB Charger Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. November 2018
    +99 / 0 / -0
    I have edited it so it shows in game DOR and is matched, also a few tweaks.

    Use it without SC4 started as well to begin.

    If you want the full set up I can run through on Discord SC4 is the last thing to play with.
  9. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    Tried it, the animation is still the same, the input meter still is miles out.
  10. majuh

    majuh Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Mai 2015
    +257 / 0 / -0
    Did you enable driver arms? This way you are limited to 360° of rotation. You need to disable the driver arms if you want more than 360° of rotation.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    Genius ;) How crazy is that, i had changed this a few days ago never even entered my head that that may be the cause.

    From a simple animation issue to this :)

    Wheel input not matching the input meter.

    In the game advanced controller page the wheel input lines up perfectly with the SC4 settings at 450 or 900 DOR left and right movement fill both sides to the soft lock.

    On a Track, if i use SC4 and set 900 DOR and 450 in car setup the wheel input and meter match up perfectly but the animation and input stops at 450 my wheel continues to rotate the full 900 to the soft lock, wasnt really fussed about this till Alex mentioned the input meter in the earlier post.

    If i use SC4 at 450 DOR and 450 in car setup then the steering is way too sensitive, it is like a 2:1 steering ratio, not like, it is exactly double the input, i turn my wheel 90 the input meter and animation show 180 and reach full lock 225 steering right\left when my wheel is at half this.

    SC4 at 450 and ingame car setup at 900 to balance the steering input, now my wheel soft lock is correct at 450 but the animation and input meter are showing the full 900 degree animation again at 2:1.

    Not using SC4 is out of the question, the ffb is like a gear driven wheel a little loud and rattly and needs the smoothing SC4 provides, the in game smoothing has no effect with or without SC4, the same with friction, turned off in the profile it is still present on track. Only way around for me it is to use SC4.

    Maybe im missing a setting somewhere, it is a minor issue but would be nice to set SC4 to 450 the game to 450 and away you go without issue, whether it is my end, a setting or communication between the game and wheel controller software, idk, not major but it is there.
  12. RWB Charger

    RWB Charger Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. November 2018
    +99 / 0 / -0
    Odd that mine doesn't need any smoothing and is not rattly without SC4, the way I see it is that you get the FFB the best you can without SC4 and then add SC4 effects to suit, if you haven't got the base FFB right before you start tuning with SC4 you are just tuning out bad effects, this is how I started and found that the AF profile was at fault so used a custom one as no amount of tuning with SC4 would take out the jolts.
  13. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    There isnt a lot wrong with the default AF profile in RR, was it jolts or oscillation you were struggling with in the other thread you say ocsillation which i offered a possible solution to, i think you are missing out by not using sc4 and the rr profile but that is my not so humble opinion.

    As for notchyness and rattle Im not alone with the need for sc4 to erradicate the notchy rattles of the FFB, read plenty of comments online with the same issue, i really like the feedback i get with the game and sc4 the only real issue i have is outlined above.
  14. RWB Charger

    RWB Charger Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. November 2018
    +99 / 0 / -0
    Yeah big jolts in cornering, I may try the AF profile again and tweak that but to be honest it's really good FFB now and I'm loathed to play with it, I did try using the SC4 effects but it doesn't really add anything for me that I need, I spent days adding different stuff to different sims but it just gets tiresome so just leave it as is and tune in the game, if there was something I felt I was missing I would definitely try it.

    If you don't mind as a test could you screenshot your SC4 settings and send me your RCS file and in game settings and I'll compare to mine.
  15. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    No problem, in the SC4 control - settings, the ones that you load onto the wheel are default except the last four.
    Spring, Friction, Dampener, Inertia all at 0. The wheel is set responsive, no.5 in the dropdown.

    My iadf file is attached but be sure to delete the .rcs extension and then import it into SC4, the forum wont allow the accuforce install and drive extension to be uploaded. Im sure you know what to do with the Accuforce .rcs profile ;)
    Hope it works for you, if not no big loss, no harm in trying.

    @Alex Hodgkinson is it possible to have the Accuforce iadf file extension to be allowed as an accepted upload extension.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 17. März 2019
  16. Alex Hodgkinson

    Alex Hodgkinson KW Studios Developer

    Registriert seit:
    5. Juni 2017
    +1.952 / 0 / -0
    Quick workaround is to .rar it then upload
  17. RWB Charger

    RWB Charger Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. November 2018
    +99 / 0 / -0
    Ah I do use those settings in SC4, what I mean is when you save them to controller you don't actually have to have SC4 running as they are flashed already, I was talking about all the other settings in output mixer like surges, impacts, engine vibe, FFB foundation etc etc, you would need SC4 running to use those, once you save those settings you have to controller there is no need to run SC4 unless you use output mixer.

    Only difference is I use default on not responsive as that can allow peaking to 16nm, and induce clipping.
  18. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    Yes and as i posted, my iadf, install and drive file is attached to the post above and needs importing into SC4, i uploaded my AC rcs but it was the wrong one i have changed it to the correct one.
    Base settings
    5 responsive
    6 responsive with peaks - is the one you are confusing 5 with.
  19. RWB Charger

    RWB Charger Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. November 2018
    +99 / 0 / -0
    True, I just use default but I have used responsive, as I am getting old the shoulder and bicep burn can fade after 90 mins lol, did a 90 min endurance tonight in DTM 2016 I was fooked.