First Thoughts of Update?

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von w4nn13, 31. März 2016.

  1. w4nn13

    w4nn13 Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    25. März 2016
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    OK I need to say I am behind the game and developers 1000%, I love it to bits but from a customers point of view, I feel I need to add my 2 cents in here about couple of things that still bug me about the game and remember I only want it to be better....

    1, Every-time someone joins a MP server there is like a 1 sec screen freeze, since update seems worse now I just crashed every time someone joined in to wall of the new track so can't get a lap-time down. Why does this happen? why was it not soughted seems like a major thing to me.

    2. Why can't you watch a race when your out of race? Just seems plain stupid that you cant watch your friends race and you have to wait it out till end of race looking at a menu.

    3. Why cant you gift your friends cars or tracks, I mean your losing money here and seems like a simple thing to do. Plus as its been said a 1000s times by now, the store is bit of a muddle..

    I think if we could solve some of them issues before we start working on anything else then game would be a lot better experience from customers point of view or as we are know on steam as the other lot...

    Thanks for update may the next one have some of the above in.
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  2. Sean Kenney

    Sean Kenney Well-Known Member

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    welcome to 2 years ago.
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  3. Christian G

    Christian G Topological Agitator Beta tester

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    1. It happens when the game has to load a car model that wasn't loaded before. There's a potential fix (like older games handled it, not actually loading the opponents until you return to the pits) but that comes with its own set of problems. But they are aware of this and investigating.
    3. You can buy vRP vouchers (redeem codes) at and gift those to sb else.
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  4. w4nn13

    w4nn13 Active Member

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    25. März 2016
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    Yeah I was away in Guild Wars 2 haha
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  5. w4nn13

    w4nn13 Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    25. März 2016
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    Its seems to happen on every car that loads in to server, you think loading all skins server side would help?

    Yeah i worked that out myself but still not same is it? meaning you have to go out of game to your site, buy the code via a cc, send code to a friend etc but that just takes like for ever to do, What if you and friend only have 3 euro enough for a car but not enough to buy RP code at 5 euro. So you see problem sometimes it can have, but yeah I understand that complex % system going on so I would not expect to buy a new car as a gift for say like 75RP as some GT3s are for me now in store but just at normal price. Why don't you sell code in game? I am sure I have not seen anything about buying RP in game to send, that at least should be in
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    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 31. März 2016
  6. DoctorFrazierCrane

    DoctorFrazierCrane Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    19. Januar 2016
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    It's frustrating from a paying customer's perspective (that we all are) that the actual update process has been so mixed (and I'm being kind here).

    When compared with the equally huge update that Assetto Corsa put out, that runs leaves a sour taste.

    I get the always online thinking. I get the anti-piracy. I get it.

    But there has to be a better way in 2016 to allow paying customers to play without this frustration. The process is getting in the way of the customer. That's never good.

    I hope later today or tomorrow I'll have a better the moment I'm fairly fed up.
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  7. Sean Kenney

    Sean Kenney Well-Known Member

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    Get use to it or move on(not being rude). You have to give a little with this game. Such is life.
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  8. w4nn13

    w4nn13 Active Member

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    25. März 2016
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    Yeah to be fair, its been a bit of let down and has spoiled it a bit, my game is just slow loading now and loads of little niggle things keep happening.
  9. DoctorFrazierCrane

    DoctorFrazierCrane Well-Known Member

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    My point is Kenny which I tried to make in as gentle way as possible - this shouldn't be acceptable.

    The customer is king. Always. The customer may not always be right, but they always deserve to be treated as if they are.

    I can't even get into the game now to play old content....forget about Green Hell. How, How is that good for anyone? How is it professional? How does it demonstrate putting the customer first?

    I have faith in this game and the devs. I've bought all the content apart from the Hillclimb track.

    When I've invested this amount of money it demonstrates I'm on board, I'm a fan! But I just think....customers that pay loyally and wave the fan flag deserve better.
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  10. Paul Bennett

    Paul Bennett New Member

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    Trying to get some racing done but servers overloaded so giving up , why we can't get an offline mode ?
    I know it's the update but this is a spoiler.
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  11. MsportDan

    MsportDan Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    i agree paul I cant get in its sooooo frustrating, every update we get this. Its about time we get an offline mode...

    actually its pretty essential/!
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  12. Sean Kenney

    Sean Kenney Well-Known Member

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    Do you really think they have their feet on the desk at S3? Just kicking back not working or caring for the customer?

    At some point two things are going to happen, you understand this is how it is, or you move on. That is what I am saying. Its small team, this will happen. Things will be slow. Fixes will be slow. Patches will be slow.

    Small team, lots of issues. Its going to happen. It sucks.
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  13. Benny7881

    Benny7881 Member

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    After solving a small issue with my wheel everything works fine.

    Driven around the Nords with DTM1992 class is pretty much fun and feels great. Haven´t tested anything else yet but what i´ve seen until now is real good work.

    Congratz to the Dev´s team and everyone else involved...a real great improvement of the game.
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  14. DoctorFrazierCrane

    DoctorFrazierCrane Well-Known Member

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    19. Januar 2016
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    I didn't say that at all. Don't put words into my mouth, chill out and stop getting so defensive.
  15. Sean Kenney

    Sean Kenney Well-Known Member

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    Woah...I am not at all. I agree with you. I am just letting you know how it has worked for R3e and as soon as people accept that, they will be much happier.

    So what are you saying?

    "The customer is king. Always. The customer may not always be right, but they always deserve to be treated as if they are."
  16. Christian G

    Christian G Topological Agitator Beta tester

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    Ex gf of mine used to answer this with "Only if he behaves like one."
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  17. Blanes

    Blanes Well-Known Member

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    I am new to this game but I will not accept to get used to it or move on. People need to continually voice this as an urgent & immediate issue which needs to be properly sorted. It is 2016 - we have the technology ! I believe they can and will sort it out when enough users continually sound the alarm with their legitimate concern. It won't happen overnight but it will happen.:cool:
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  18. Sean Kenney

    Sean Kenney Well-Known Member

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    9. Februar 2015
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    well this update is one of the smoothest I have seen in a long, if anyone thinks its bad now....
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  19. Sean Kenney

    Sean Kenney Well-Known Member

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    9. Februar 2015
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    They are well aware.

    EDIT: I totally agree not giving up about it, but I am saying you have to accept this is how it is, now. Else you will go crazy.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 31. März 2016
  20. DoctorFrazierCrane

    DoctorFrazierCrane Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    19. Januar 2016
    +65 / 0 / -0
    We should all eat some fruit and calm down :D
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