Oculus Rift Support

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von balu, 29. Januar 2015.

  1. Matthias Zlusch

    Matthias Zlusch Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. März 2016
    +13 / 0 / -0
    But the priorities shouldnt be somewhere else.
  2. skswat

    skswat Well-Known Member

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    4. Januar 2016
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    I was for long years only LFS driver.
    Yes, LFS supports Oculus rift, but look at the graphic and other things. Physics is great, thats true, but look at the rest...
    Game is few years same and devs are only working on VR updates (at time when oculus had maybe 0,001% of drivers). Overall progress is really slow. No major update for non-VR drivers for years. I think LFS is now behind all other racing sims. Thats why I left LFS and switched to R3E. Licenced cars, tracks, much better graphics, SOUNDS.
    If R3E will improve physics (tyre physics mainly) and some other game features which needs to be added and if they implement VR support now, when VR gear will be more available for users, I dont really have reason to start play other game.
    And if someone will own VR before R3E will support it, there is still Asseto corsa. I dont see point to start LFS. :D
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  3. Drei

    Drei Well-Known Member

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    30. Januar 2015
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    For all of those out there who don't believe in VR or not sure about it: if you have the chance to try the Rift or the Vive, go for Project Cars, pick the Radical (or any other open wheeler) on Bathurst, and enjoy the ride.... oh don't forget to change the dipers before you hit the start ;) for me it is absolutely the holyfckingshit category, just cant get enough of it... :)

    BTW if someone want to try the Rift, i live in Germany/Kaiserslautern, and happy to share the experience, just send me a PM
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  4. skswat

    skswat Well-Known Member

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    4. Januar 2016
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    @Drei What about resolution? Is it OK? Which model do you own?
  5. Drei

    Drei Well-Known Member

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    30. Januar 2015
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    CV1, resolution is ok, you can clearly see the track, cars, signs, can read the gauges and display in the car. Ofc don't expect it to be as sharp as your monitor screen, but honestly when you are driving you forget about that in 5 seconds. For me the immersion is so mindblowing.
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  6. ElNino

    ElNino Well-Known Member

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    7. Februar 2015
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    Even on DK2 I didn't find the resolution to be bothersome. Sure I noticed it at first, but that was about the end of it.
  7. Ernie

    Ernie Well-Known Member

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    29. Januar 2015
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    For me it really depends on the car. It's okay in slower cars, but with faster cars it becomes difficult to see the braking points, because you reach the corner in a much higher speed.
  8. Alex Bonner

    Alex Bonner Active Member

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    13. Juni 2015
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    A mate of mine took delivery of his Rift last week. Since then he has not stopped whooping about how good Iracing is. Funny thing is he is normally a very quiet guy and hearing his excitement tells me it's something not to be missed.

    I remember back a while when the DK versions were all that you could buy, they were saying every title can be adapted to run using software by users. Did this not become reality when the CV was released ?
  9. Matthias Zlusch

    Matthias Zlusch Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. März 2016
    +13 / 0 / -0
    mine was delivered yesterday.

    See you later R³E
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  10. oops

    oops Member

    Registriert seit:
    3. Mai 2015
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    I totally agree, I just sit in the cars and just keep looking around with a big smile on my daft face, the only word to describe it is amazing, now don't get me wrong the gfx aren't great and the resolution sucks (compared to your monitor) but the sheer joy and immersion justs blows me away, so much so infact that I have decided to totally upgrade my computer (bought a new one, i7-1080gfx etc etc, just haven't told the wife yet lol) its a real shame that sector 3 wont jump onboard the vr train, it was once my favorite goto sim. I'll not be spending another penny on it until they give it the vr upgrade it so richly deserves (I have almost all of the content so far) but I'll wait to see if they (fingers crossed)do lol
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    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 29. Juni 2016
  11. HoiHman

    HoiHman Well-Known Member

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    20. Mai 2016
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    I've been using the Oculus Rift for 2 months now and it's so good that i really can't understand why anybody would invest in triples screen or nice looking steering wheels. They are all redundant.

    I used to race with very big triple screens, i only used them once since i have the rift for comparison. I can honestly say that racing in VR has definately ruined the triple screen experience.

    In VR i'm sitting in a real race car on the track, looking into the apex of every corner. Racing with the triples screens now just feels like i'm playing a race game and i'm looking at 3 monitors in my room. It just doesn't immerse me anymore.

    Needsless to say that i haven't played raceroom for over 2 months now. I have subscribed to Iracing again. At least they understand the importance of virtual reality for racesims, something sector3 still needs to.

    Iracing is really awesome in VR, but i would like to race AI in raceroom to.
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  12. Flag1944

    Flag1944 Member

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    8. September 2015
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    New patch - still no word on VR from the devs. Time to free up some space on my hdd.
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  13. Matthias Zlusch

    Matthias Zlusch Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. März 2016
    +13 / 0 / -0
    Same here. Did exactly the same :D

    Assetto is on a good way too, but they said they don't want to focus on VR, so it will be a long time in Alpha Stage.
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  14. Flag1944

    Flag1944 Member

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    8. September 2015
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    S3 can learn something from Codemasters. Even if the answer is no to VR - it is still an answer. This silence on the matter is insulting. I don't care how small your team is - it does not hinder you from communicating on this matter.

    The following is from the Devs for Dirt Rally

    "We know you’re all super-hyped for Oculus VR support to make its official debut to DiRT Rally, as your questions have been flooding in thick and fast about it! We don’t have any new info we can share just yet – but we will do in the very near future. This is just a quick line to say don’t worry: we hear you, we’re all over it, and stay tuned. :)"

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  15. pixeljetstream

    pixeljetstream Well-Known Member Beta tester

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    29. Januar 2015
    +412 / 0 / -0
    While I agree a reply would be more than fair by now, I don't think the reply can be as rosy as in "we are all over it". As long as they are seeking for plenty programmers on their job offers, it means they are under-staffed when it comes to anything programming (and we see it by their steady but slow progress on that matters). They are hiring "generalists" not specific roles (say graphics programmer), which is another hint that being owned by their publisher it likely means they are not in control of the budget for this and have to operate on a tight budget...

    I am not sure the developer may be allowed to admit that in all directness and say that publicly they don't have the resources for this type of work as normally contracts prevent you from such statements and the publisher may say you are hurting the business with this (and I am sure we all agree the silence is more hurting hehe).

    A bit stretched but given s3s is talkative on other topics, and they are rather closed on this one, I suspect that it's what may happen. Not pretty, but corporate world is not always a happy place.

    Personally I don't think it's realistic we will see any major graphics improvements to the game (and proper VR does require some engine work to account for rendering things twice, and you wouldn't want to throw some prototype together that makes people sick), until they announce officially working on the engine switch or those job offers go away and they say their team has grown...

    The only quote that we have is that J-F liked VR more than tripple screens and was very interested in it years back. I don't think that has changed, you cannot not "want it". But making an official statement about priorities and putting a rough estimate on the arrival of it, is something different.

    One cannot compare the situation of s3s, a development studio owned by a company primarily not in the game business, with a full blown game studio like Codemasters. While Kunos is probably closer to that, when it comes to ties to professional industry, they actually are independent. All that doesn't mean it's gonna suck forever ;) it just means it's gonna take longer than for others.

    Maybe I am wrong, maybe they could openly talk, but imo there must be "greater reasons" why they aren't as the controversy clearly isn't great.

    I'd think once Sony/Microsoft role out VR to actual mainstream, the publisher will catch more attention. Because their business partners will create the appropriate pressure. cause clearly you could do cool shit, you could have WTCC/DTM... "live" synchronized real-car positions with in-game, and then sit virtually in any car, on the track... You could probably charge money for such a service ;) But a traditional engineering firm like KW, thinking of such ideas and potential now? I don't think so yet.

    We are "the nerds" in this, the business guys in other industries are other folks, they will probably be confronted with the importance of tech once several manager's kids play with the stuff the whole day. I don't mean this in a "mean" way, but they solve different problems in a different world foremost. It's still very niche.
    The other positive aspect is that car companies like BMW or others may use VR in a bigger scale (see Kunos deal on Porsche fueld by that). We are just emerging on this opportunity. Big companies like to have non-consumer deals, support contracts, supply chain... is HTC/Oculus prepared for that already? may take a bit... all that is happening now.
    There will be a lag until it hits those people who have to approve the money ;)
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    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 3. Juli 2016
  16. heppsan

    heppsan Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Januar 2015
    +1.268 / 0 / -0
    Does the DK2 still work with raceroom, or any other game?
    The Rift and Vive are way to expensive as it is, and will probably not be in my range for years.. .
    Really intressted in VR and thought if it would be worth getting a used DK2 till the VR prices are more humane?
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  17. pixeljetstream

    pixeljetstream Well-Known Member Beta tester

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    29. Januar 2015
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    imo not worth it, unless you get it super cheap. The tracking got better as well, and the "virtual" hands add a lot of value to VR that you don't get with the old gear. I'd suggest visiting some nerdy tradeshow, lan convention whatever to "try" the new ones.

    Also when Sony launches their version, it ought to be "testable" in a lot more places.
  18. heppsan

    heppsan Well-Known Member

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    29. Januar 2015
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    It will mostly be for sim racing, so the hand controllers won't be that important for me.
    But is the DK2 workable with R3E?

    Not even sure my system will handle the new VR sets, and bought it for a hefty pricetag just a year ago, so won't upgrade any time soon, and my limit for just a VR set is about 300-400$, will never pay more than that..
  19. ElNino

    ElNino Well-Known Member

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    7. Februar 2015
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    I don't know this was months ago when I tried it. The friend said it didn't work very well with R3E, I played AC with it. Open wheelers in VR are impressive! But yeah, can't give anything concrete sorry!
  20. zehnder.eric

    zehnder.eric New Member

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    15. August 2015
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    As of this Monday, Dirt Rally now has official Oculus Rift support and Vive support via the ReVive project. Supposedly, official Vive support is incoming as well.

    I really wish we could get some confirmation from RRRE devs on this. It's amazing how well LFS and RBR have received official support for both Rift and Vive considering they're ancient titles.
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