Bug Audi GTO Engine Mapping Bug

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by UsF, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. UsF

    UsF Member

    Nov 10, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    The Audi GTO Classics has a bug with its turbo from the update introducing the new GTO physics. The bug is similar to what the Group 5 BMW or DTM92 Audi experienced earlier in their lives. The Nissan does not experience this behavior at all.

    On engine mapping 2, the Audi behaves fine and has no issues with the RPM / clutch / turbo.

    On engine mapping 3, shifting from 2nd to 3rd or any higher gear combo can result in the engine RPM to stay at a certain level, before the actual RPMs pass that value. This is very similar to how the DTM92 Audi experienced such a bug. However unlike the DTM92 bug, the GTO Audi loses a lot of speed when this happens

    On engine mapping 4, shifting as described above results in the RPM to go to the rev limiter, without bouncing off it. This is very similar to the Group 5 BMW, which had the same behavior. But also unlike the Gr5 issue, the GTO Audi loses a lot of power/acceleration.

    On engine mapping 5, the GTO Audi just bounces of the rev limiter a lot with the described above steps of reproducing this issue.

    So the bug differentiates on where the engine settles its RPM depending on the engine mapping. However the result is the same, severely reduced engine performance while it happens with no logical reason of why it does. It does not feel like clutch slip (because it can happen on a straight without shifting) or wheel spin (because steering/cornering are unaffected and the rear tires aren't spinning out either).

    This issue also happens with auto clutch and it also happens outside of shifting (with or without auto clutch). For it to happen outside of shifting, you need to be in third gear or higher, push down the accelerator (almost) fully and go over bumps/kerbs/elevation changes. This will cause the same bugs as described above, depending on what engine mapping you are in.

    The easiest way to reproduce this bug is to use manual clutch, go into second gear, near/at the rev limiter and then quickly shift to third to fourth to fifth, which will keep the same bug happening persistently, depending on engine mapping. The car will stay in the bug, as the RPM will either be stagnant or on the rev limiter, while the car power slumps down and it has trouble accelerating.

    @Alex Hodgkinson
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
  2. Vale

    Vale Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2019
    +279 / 0 / -0
  3. Vale

    Vale Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2019
    +279 / 0 / -0
    @Alex Hodgkinson This was not fixed in today´s patch, was it?

    Were you able to reproduce it and acknowledge it is an issue?
  4. Arthur Spooner

    Arthur Spooner Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2015
    +432 / 0 / -0
    Have you actually tried? Boost pressures were reduced for the Nissan and Audi. Maybe the clutch doesn't slip anymore now.
  5. Vale

    Vale Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2019
    +279 / 0 / -0
    Just did. It is not fixed, maybe a bit harder to reproduce but still there. Please note I use autoclutch but the OP mentioned it happened with manual clutch too.
    Anyone who wants to play can take the Audi GTO on Watkins Glen, use boost 4 or 5 and go over the kerbs coming out of the esses on the right and should find that in 5th gear the engine will rev up to the limiter and stay there even when the car is back with all 4 wheels on the tarmac all the way till the next bend.
    It can also happen in 1st gear from standing starts sometimes but not always and in gravel traps, but this could be expected due to bumpy surface/lack of traction.
  6. Vale

    Vale Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2019
    +279 / 0 / -0
    Interestingly, I was able to reproduce this effect at Daytona using Mistral P1. Again, kerbs and boost 5 were the required ingredients.