Multiplayer Server List While At A Track

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Not Lifting Off, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    Is there anywhere i can see a server list whilst in a MP game?
    Would be nice ingame to be able to look at the server list whilst at a track, maybe i dont like the other drivers, dont want to drive this track, take Nords, longer than average to load, get there, no time to qually, leave and go look elsewhere, but everywhere else is empty or my prefered class of car has just started a race so back to Nords it is and another long load only to find i jumped str8 into the start of the race with no fuel or setup.
    If i could see the server list while at Nords i could see it is empty or my prefered class has just started or a friend joined track x.
    Smoother easier quicker.
  2. Zinker73

    Zinker73 Active Member

    Apr 19, 2016
    +26 / 0 / -0
    I think it would be a great idea to include something like a RR Server lobby into the main portal of Raceroom. Don't think that would be all that much of an effort ,please correct me if i am wrong.
    It would be a good thing for those who are interested into this Sim and happen to look at the RR portal for the first time, so they can actually see what is happening online on the servers. Plus it would be a cool thing to be able to just check on the servers from your notebook,tablet,phone,pocket knife or whatever one is using when he is not sitting at his gaming rig. Another thing that came into my mind since i have started "playing" this Sim is that this it is a very quiet experience. Not talking about the superb sounds of the sim, but MP is missing something like meeting random people, having a nice chat between the races. Besides the text chat and the behaviour of the drivers on the tracks it is hard to tell if one is playing on or offline. That the quick chat buttons are not working isn't helpful either, hard to say "sorry" without raming your car into the next concrete wall, atleast for me :D
    I think it would be a good idea to have something like a community Teamspeak, looking at alot of empty RR Servers it shouldn't be a matter of bandwidth to have one. It would make use of one of the strengths of this Sim and that is it's community. With alot of other Sims around i think the success of R3E depends alot on having a friendly and strong community built around it. And as far as i can see it is already there, it just needs a little more room to communicate.
    I've read somewhere that R3E racers are considered to be the friendliest ones, i think that this is true for the most part. I just think it would be a shame if things would stay as "quiet" as they are now.
    I've had off from work the last few days and i was watching the count of members online on this forum and compared that a little with what was going on online and thought to myself what a waste of potential ! There were never less than 30 people online, no matter if that was in the middle of the night (here), yet online there wasn't happening all that much. Lots of empty servers and lots of servers with only one player. I think that would change a little if those "lonely" racers would actually talk to each other. Of course a TS Server could also attract trouble makers , one way to have that minimized would be to only let registered forum members use it. Just my 2 cents , sorry for my bad english and sorry if i hijacked your thread "Not lifting off", though i think we both want the same thing somehow :D
  3. .OG Isaac

    .OG Isaac Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Feb 17, 2015
    +173 / 0 / -0
    I think multiplayer browser INSIDE of another server is a bit crazy, you can always look at the time that the session has left. If you know your load time is +- 3 minutes on the nords, don't go looking for a server with only 5 minutes left in the qualli session.
  4. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    Pretty much agree with everything Zinker said. As for registered members on a RR teamspeak server, thought a lot about that too, pros and cons and the chat in general really pisses me off.
    You are on a server practice\qually\race whatever, you are constantly connected to RR regardless, having the ability while in that server\track to browse the server list and jump to a prefered server is nothing, minor bandwidth usage especially if filters were enabled, if i only want to see populated gt3 servers, text only with headers\hyperlinks the whole lot a couple of kb, this would be coming from the raceroom server page and would have no impact at all on the server hosting the game.
    Its about making the game better\easier for the end user and as a 98% mostly public server racer the ability to look and jump knowing what im leaving for would be a huge bonus.