Problem R3E tries to kill my CSW wheel

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by LTC Mike, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. LTC Mike

    LTC Mike Active Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    +41 / 0 / -0
    Today I tried some Multiplayer online races. In every session as soon as the next session is applied my wheel (Fanatec CSW v1 1.5) turrned with full power to one side. Then I was normally kicked from the server but my wheel was still given full FFB to one side until I killed the R3E application. I could then rejoin until the session changed from qualification to race. There my wheel turns again with full power to one side and I was suddenly placed on the race track where the whole bunch of cars flipped around crashed into each other. I couldn't steer at all, because the wheel was flipped full to one side. Had to abandon the race via ESC key.

    This happened every time I tried to race in a multiplayer session - the last one was [on a server called "RR] #27" with ADAC GT Masters 2014@ Hockenheim Ring. There the programme crashed, my wheel was again fully flipped to one side with full power applied, so I had to shut it off. After restarting itr the self calibration of my Fanatec was nearly gone until I let it cool down some time. If I wouldn't have shut off my wheel immediately I am sure your "fantastic" racing game would have killed my expensive hardware!!!

    Come on: R3E is such a blast when driving offline. What's wrong with the online part?

    I have a Crash Dump file of today applied. Maybe you could filter something out of it what's going on...

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