Problem Slow graphics

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by Jairo, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. Jairo

    Jairo New Member

    Aug 8, 2017
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi. I have a problem. I have a GTX950. My problem is that sometimes the graphics become slow, as if with delay and suddenly they return to normal. This happens continuously. Any setting, in the options menu to fix it? Thank you
  2. Christian G

    Christian G Topological Agitator Beta tester

    Apr 8, 2015
    +2,411 / 0 / -0
    As you can see in my sig I'm running a legacy gpu.
    The most demanding settings are track texture quality, shadow quality and Anti Aliasing, so try reducing those. In general, with a mid spec gpu you will have to make some sacrifices, so turn off everything that isn't essential, f.e. motion blur, animated opponents cockpits (very last option) and so on.
    Finally, running many AI cars will result in a major performance hit, so reduce the number of opponents and also reduce the number of visible cars (also at the end of the advanced graphics options).