Problem Strange FPS using SLI/multiple monitors/multiple GFX cards

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by Dufoe, Jun 7, 2015.

  1. Dufoe

    Dufoe New Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am running two Nvidia FeForce GTX 780's in SLI outputing to three monitors at a resolution of 5760x1200. I use the Nvidia Inspector to tweak my SLI graphic performance. I have been trying to get a steady 60fps, but have been unable to do so. Just about all my other racing sims run at this fps level.

    While trying different sli bits and other settings I noticed a strange occurance while doing a practice session with the ghost car activated. When I start the program, I am only getting around 40fps. Once I make a good lap and the ghost car is activated the weird fps start. If I let the ghost car pass me and I stay behind him my fps jumps to 90-100. Then if I pull ahead of the ghost car the fps again drop down to 40 or less.

    I also tried coming to a complete stop on the track letting the ghost car go past me and continue down the track. My fps were over 100, but as soon as the ghost car dissappeared out of sight the fps dropped down to under 40 again.

    Any help from the devs or other multiple graphic card/SLI users would be appreciated.
  2. Jeff Naylor

    Jeff Naylor Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    +11 / 0 / -0
    Here are the settings I was giving to use in Nvidia Inspector : They worked great for me.

    Using the Race Room profile, everything stock except, in the sli section,


    I found leaving it on autoselect did not activate sli. To check whether sli is activated right click on desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel, select manage 3d settings then at the top of the window click 3D Settings and click Show SLI Visual Indicator. This activates a large green display on the left side of the screen if sli is working.

    These are the settings I use in game:

    mirrors on
    track detail medium
    car lod setting medium
    particles low
    tiremarks on
    specular on
    car reflection high
    track animations off
    shadows high
    car shadows on
    contact shadows 2
    shadow split off
    multi sampling 4xaa
    fxaa off
    bloom on
    motion blur off
    lightshafts on
    lens effects off
    track texture high
    car texture high
    mirror quality medium
    shader quality high
    corner markers off

