Suggestions Compilation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xon3, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Xon3

    Xon3 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2016
    +171 / 0 / -0
    I spent some time making a list of stuff S3 could do to improve the game. This is mainly focused on the online side of things.
    Also, if you know the solution to any of these i would like to know =)

    - Quick chat not working
    - Voice chat
    - Chat log (no way to review what has been said)
    - Chat in Menu

    - Maximum contact between cars limit. Could be added since you have drive throughs for cutting corners but not for excessive contact. Also this technology is already in the works so might as well add it since this is a "beta".
    - Server details - Can not see the whole list of cars in multiclass races in the server browser, Also can´t see the track layout. The one right now is too overwhelming.
    - Can´t change the race start time, always 60 secs.
    - Maximum ping allowed. Should be able to have a minimum requirement for ping. Lets say, cant exceed 100 ping for more than 5 secs. This should be selectable by the server obviously not mandatory.
    - Add "trackday" mode. Lots of server just run max minutes on practice so it would be nice to just have an option where you can open a track for all classes and just let them go free. This would be nice specially with the nordschleife in the game.
    - Server Filter for serching ... well, servers.
    - Can servers kick players ? i dont think so. Could be wrong though.
    - If you leave the race before it is oficially over, you dont appear in the final result. Makes sense technically, makes no sense pratically.

    - No offline racing
    - No multiclass option

    - R3E Needs a slow free car. A miata, a spec racer, a clio, a caterham something like that. Low power Low aero and nimble. This would improve online racing a ton.
    - Night and rain.
    - VR ( but this is being worked on)
    - Only one overlay to show position, delta and time/laps left to the end of the race. I could be wong on this one too. The new speed and drs and p2p looks really cool so this should be solved soon i guess. The one at the moment is too big and ... a bit ugly =(.
    - Pressure options for tires =(
    - Is there safety car ? i dont think so. (not worried about it though)
    - No dashboard camera (this is widely used). You can just ajust your seat forward so its not that bad.
    - Driver feet, no pedal movement. just a fancy touch ...
    - no fov (for what i know)

    - ALSO "Last update: 29.01.15" last time the FAQ was updated ... cmon now

    What more is needed ? besides cars and tracks obviously.
    I think some of these can be quickly implemented and would make a big diference.

    I will now return to my black friday shopping.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016