Will Raceroom be moving to a new a new engine soon?

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von Blueferrari, 25. Februar 2021.

  1. Blueferrari

    Blueferrari Member

    Registriert seit:
    8. März 2017
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    Hi All,
    I'm loving Raceroom, but have heard rumors that Raceroom may move to a newer engine with improved graphics, day/night cycling etc. Is this likely and if so, does this mean a "Raceroom 2", which will mean purchasing content all over again?
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  2. Blueferrari

    Blueferrari Member

    Registriert seit:
    8. März 2017
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    Thanks for that! Yes, I've heard about GTR3 on other channels, but didn't know about the link. I take it's just GT3s and possibly GT4s only, just like ACC? Does that mean all the great content, tracks on Raceroom will move across? Problem is, if it does, we have to purchase it all again!
  3. Turtle Power

    Turtle Power Well-Known Member

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    I don't really know but I will take a wild guess.
    GTR2 was a big success in the world of sim racing. GTR3 will be the latest and greatest and with all user requested features that are missing from Raceroom. The devs may have planned this very well by keeping Raceroom alive and continue to support it whilst GTR3 emerges with a whole new graphical and other improvements. If I am right, the physics should be almost identical or a little bit more polished than Raceroom depending on how much room is available.

    As I said. just a wild guess.
  4. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

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    6. Oktober 2019
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    I do not follow news and am totally confused right now. Here on the forums people often mention some "Z4 at Spa" screenshots that supposedly were a teaser for R3E moving to another graphics engine. Now it turns out these screenshots were officially released as GTR3 teaser screenshots? Why did people ever think about R3E changing its engine and why do they complain about R3E devs going quiet about that, as if they promised something, if that's a different product from a different developer?

    I feel like I'm getting something wrong. Would anyone please explain what's going on?
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 25. Februar 2021
  5. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

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    Breaking news:

    2 + 2 = 7
  6. GooseCreature

    GooseCreature Well-Known Member

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    If you want answers to all the above queries, join the bloody queue, no answers here only more questions!

    My old mans recommendation is to forget about RR2 & GT3 and all concentrate on improving your race craft, be such a shame for something nice and shiny to come along but when/if it does, to fill it up with the same carnage creating morons that wander the race tracks in Multiplayer presently. I find it absolutely amazing that after being rear ended into oblivion, I got an apology "sorry m8 but don't know my braking points, never raced this combo before", there's me presuming people would only risk ranking on a known car/track but no, a bloody lottery.
    Perhaps an idea for the ranked servers is a certain amount of time spent driving the combo before you're let loose on the general public. Every single race I raced yesterday, either the game crashed or someone crashed me out, just sucks!
    All this information is available to Dev's regarding if a person has or hasn't driven a certain car/track, why not use it to the benefit of everyone?
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  7. PanVlk

    PanVlk Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    12. Oktober 2019
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    1) GTR3, if it even exist in some way, has nothing to do with Raceroom. It's developed by some UK studio, while Raceroom is being developed by Sector 3 based in Sweden. They only share a publisher.

    2) GTR3 devs have a habit to announce something like "GTR3 is almost finished, more news coming in next few weeks!!!" about once every year. And then nothing happens. I guess this latest announcement from couple months ago is just that, and we'll hear something similar again in December 2021.

    The fact is, nobody has seen anything other than few screenshots from the GTR3. I'll believe it even exists once I see it released. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Vale

    Vale Well-Known Member

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    Project Cars 3 has taught us all we need to know about how an improved graphics engine is not worth anything if the gameplay is no good.
  9. axxis278

    axxis278 Well-Known Member

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    29. Januar 2015
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    it's already been discussed that people at S3 are also working at GTR3 development (the sounds are also done by Anthony).
    GTR3 is the priority for a new graphic engine. Then after GT3 is relased, RaceRoom was planed to move to dx12, but this step has been canceled, so RaceRoom will be updated to the same new graphic engine as GTR3.
    @Blueferrari if your interested, they have created a discord channel for GTR3 https://discord.gg/HySWT2va
  10. Blueferrari

    Blueferrari Member

    Registriert seit:
    8. März 2017
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    Thanks mate. I hope you're right about them retaining and moving Raceroom to an improved graphic platform. I've heard though that GTR3 is just going to be another simcade mess like Project Cars 3.
  11. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

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    Just to be clear.....the above is not true.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  12. axxis278

    axxis278 Well-Known Member

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    Don't judge before the release. Internet is full of comments. Be patient and wait for the game.
  13. nickh158

    nickh158 Well-Known Member

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    31. Januar 2015
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    This so true. Also, every sim in existence has its own version of GT3, so why bother?
  14. Turtle Power

    Turtle Power Well-Known Member

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    21. März 2018
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    I wasn't aware that GTR3 was from different developer. Maybe because I have seen a folder in my document so called Simbin?
  15. Turtle Power

    Turtle Power Well-Known Member

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    21. März 2018
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    Maybe there is no challenge GTR3 vs ACC? In fact, GTR3 could be one of those unique racing sims with something else that has to offer. Not sure really?
  16. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member

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    12. Februar 2015
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    Is this true? As successor to GTR2 it's called GTR3. But does that mean there are only GT3 cars? Just asking.;)
  17. Andi Goodwin

    Andi Goodwin Moderator Beta tester

    Registriert seit:
    16. Januar 2015
    +793 / 0 / -0
    If you check the sparce info in the gtr3 discord it says that it wont be just gt3 cars , but no one really knows as we are waiting for an already over due press release

  18. Stickdeath1980

    Stickdeath1980 Active Member

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    13. August 2018
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    I agree and disagree there champ...ACC is king of GT3's and GT4's and has a ton of information supplyed by team's and blancpain So they are very far ahead there i cannot jump in many sim's now with GT3's after ACC because they just nail it... GTR3 on the other hand is unknown what we are getting yet and by the sound's on the Discord there still dealing with background stuff..but have been working on it for 4 years and not going into EA which is Good and Bad..GTR2 had somethink like 140 Car's and 34 tracks ACC 24 and others so like 35 or somethink and tracks unsure :D Plus the CV19 maybe lossing staff because of this slowing everythink down may have come into play ACC wasn't great at launch was good but now where near where it is now you never know because GTR2 was one of the best back in the day
  19. GooseCreature

    GooseCreature Well-Known Member

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    30. Mai 2015
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    Well if you watch the recent interview with our @Alex Hodgkinson apart from mentioning that there maybe some Beemers incoming in the near future and a rather vague mention of Lada BUT he also hinted that Raceroom may well be looking prettier in the future. Read into this what you will but for me that says we may well be getting some sort of upgrade in the graphical department at some point. Be nice to up the light sources and add a few bells and whistles in this area but as usual, information is scarce, nay, non existent up to these few words from Alex. As for GTR3........................................................:rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    6. Oktober 2019
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    They both have GT3 cars. But the name "GTR3" in no way implies the game will only have GT3 cars. The name doesn't come from the name of this class, it comes from the GTR franchise name - which draws quite a bit of attention by itself thanks to GTR2 legacy.

    And while ACC dominates in number of players, not everyone is a fan of it. There might still be some place for other games too.
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