Wish: training mode

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Burillo, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. Burillo

    Burillo Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    +11 / 0 / -0
    that's not really true.

    while you can certainly practice a certain riff by playing it over and over, there's a better way - practice the chord switch you're having trouble with. plus, if we're talking AC/DC, then their riffs are really closer to "training mode" i describe, because they are very small parts, repeated over and over. if you were forced to play a 2 minute riff just because you were messing up a chord change somewhere in the middle, how would you feel about that? wouldn't you realize that it's more fruitful to practice that particular chord change, perhaps with a few seconds before/after, rather than the entire 2 minute part? (that's a rhethorical question, because the answer to that is a resounding yes; source: 12 years of professional piano lessons)

    not to mention that again, you need to know how to play the chord before you can practice chord changes to and from it. what good is playing the part, if you don't know how to play a particular chord? you're again assuming that the person trying to learn to play a song already knows how to play all of the chords in that song.

    it's a difference between knowing how to complete a particular turn vs knowing how to string a succession of turns in the best way. it's different types of knowledge - the latter is practiced by hotlapping, while the former is practiced by drilling the same turn over and over.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  2. Flintenwilly

    Flintenwilly Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
    +115 / 0 / -0
    If i have a Problem with the refrain i play the refrain. It is better for ME to keep up the rythmn, and I have more fun when i learn a song.

    When I imagine doing only one corner over and over again i would quit this shit because this is work and not fun. And work i have 42h a week, that enough.

    If simracing/music would bei my work instead of Hobby i would Do it nearly the Same (only yes, when the sector is 2 minutes i would Shorten it). But would you drive only one es or the whole Part of the esses in suzuka?

    Remember only my opinion...
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  3. Burillo

    Burillo Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    +11 / 0 / -0
    again, you're assuming that you already know how to play all chords in the refrain, so obviously you'll concentrate on "keepign the rhythm" and playing the whole thing. that's not the issue here. the issue here is, if you have no idea how to play a chord, there's no point in playing refrain over and over, there's nothing to play! there's no "chord changes" to practice if you don't know the chord you're changing to! there's no point in playing refrain of a song full of barre chords if you can't play any barre chords!

    that's the thing - you may find it boring, but you don't have to do it - i'm not proposing this "training mode" to become the only thing you can do in R3E. i'm simply suggesting a new mode that would help with practicing laps, should you choose to do so. and even though you may find it boring, i, through experience, have found it necessary. not that you can't get better in other ways - that's nonsense, evidently, you can. however, practicing in this way is more effective than just hotlapping, precisely because it allows you to concentrate on your failures and improve upon them, rather than endlessly repeating stuff you already do well just to get to that small part where you need to practice. and again, i'm not proposing it to become mandatory - if you don't like this mode of practice, you're free to hotlap with ghosts to your heart's content.
  4. Flintenwilly

    Flintenwilly Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
    +115 / 0 / -0
    Ah ok you are right. Sector 3 Do it.

    I never said i Do hotlapping. I do races and look what others do. Pitcam is helpful when you are not fast enough to keep up with others.

    P.s. if you had understand my first post, you would see im not enirely against you. Repeatable sectors would be good. Most sectors are about 30-40 sec. Too much timewaste?
  5. Mr_Mints_Taboo

    Mr_Mints_Taboo Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2017
    +152 / 0 / -0
    Back in Black.

    Standard, very standard drum beat, punctuated by three awesome, nearly identical, fills.

    Yes, it's more fun to play the whole song each time to practice the fills, but it's not as efficient.

    So you both like AC/DC, but prefer to practice differently. That's cool. Nothing to fall out about.

    It's not like you're suggesting that Ronnie James wasn't the best Black Sabbath frontman!

    PS What's a chord?
  6. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Apr 23, 2015
    +1,307 / 0 / -0
    Actually I played guitar and sang (shouted...) in a punk 3-piece. We did weddings and pubs and made a right old racket. It was a hoot but we kinda stank (which was part of the charm).

    Anyway, I guess we've all got a point here - you need to practice stringing it all together, the individual parts, and improvising for the unexpected :)
  7. Andi Goodwin

    Andi Goodwin Moderator Beta tester

    Jan 16, 2015
    +791 / 0 / -0
    this has gone above my head,

    good luck

  8. Burillo

    Burillo Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    +11 / 0 / -0
    Sectors are OK in my book as well. Ideally i would like free start/stop, but even if only sectors get implemented, i'll still be a very happy person.

    - I was a vocalist in a punk band.
    - Oh, so you can sing?
    - No, as i said - i was in a punk band!
    (c) Shadowrun: Dragonfall

    precisely. "improvising" is racing with AI and online. "stringing it all together" is hotlapping. "the individual parts" is sectors or individual turns. the former two are already there, it's the latter that's missing.
  9. Mr_Mints_Taboo

    Mr_Mints_Taboo Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2017
    +152 / 0 / -0
    I guess it'll be a green day in Hell before this happens.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Turtle

    Turtle New Member

    Dec 11, 2016
    +4 / 0 / -0
    Repeatable sectors would also be a huge improvement for me. Free start/stop is better :)
  11. CheerfullyInsane

    CheerfullyInsane Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
    +402 / 0 / -0
    Not what I said. :)
    I said I would bet vital parts of my anatomy that if you had done the same diligent training on the entire lap, that would've had the same result.

    And I still think implementing it would draw away programming resources that could be used for better things.
  12. Turtle

    Turtle New Member

    Dec 11, 2016
    +4 / 0 / -0
    I've failed to explain my point. Sorry :)

    If only a handfull of us want this feature i Agree with you. That being said I think the only difference from the current leaderboard session and a simplified Training session is "user defined restart conditions" instead of "hardcoded restart conditions". (I have no idea how much programming resources that would require)
  13. Burillo

    Burillo Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    +11 / 0 / -0
    Same result? Sure. Just as fast? No. You can study guitar by learning songs and develop your technique that way, and it will work and give you results, but nothing beats dedicated practice drilling as far as speed of technique development goes. Same here.

    look, i don't know how else to explain it to you. i'm not saying hotlapping isn't a valid way to practice. i'm saying it isn't the best and most time-efficient way to practice until you reach a certain skill level. before reaching a skill level where hotlapping starts to make sense, certain low-level skills need to be mastered. telling a person who doesn't know how to take a corner to hotlap until he does is largely equivalent to telling a person who never drove in his life to practice starting/stopping the car (you know, clutch liftoff and all) by hotlapping - sure, it'll work eventually, but a dedicated start/stop routine would work much better at his skill level.

    This is not a valid argument in any discussion. whether there are resources or more important features to implement bears no effect whatsoever on merits of this particular feature and its usefulness.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  14. churchbwoy

    churchbwoy New Member

    Feb 8, 2017
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Driving School
    I have read through a lot of post since yesterday and went to bed after 7 this morning trying to figure out how to 1. get the car to drive forward and reverse. 2. Control it while driving.
    Sorry if this already posted and responded to but I need HELP. I love the graphics and everything about this game but I can't play it. I have NEVER driving a standard and that has carried over to my gameplay. I do see in the setup the AUTOMATIC gears but in the game I can't get the car to move. It only revs and occasionally moves forward for a bit. The automatic transmission works whenever I get it to drive because the gears shift automatically then I have tobreak to go around a corner and I am back coming to a complete stop and getting pinballed out the road.
    I assigned the controls and sometime it will drive but it is after playing with couple buttons. I don't want to give up on great game because I have a life handicap.
    Like in Real Racing 3 there is driving school mode where you learn how to operate the vehicle. Please I want to learn.
  15. GooseCreature

    GooseCreature Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2015
    +670 / 0 / -0
    Practice, practice then practise some more, no other way, you gotta learn the whole track, so drive the whole track, you may well think all your time is being lost on one corner but I assure you it's not, you find things out by relentlessly driving around and around in circles, yeah it can be dull but if you want to be competitive then no other way than knuckling down and putting in the time, some get it quicker than others and some will never get it but no driver ever improved by going round the same bend over and over, as my crew chief mentioned earlier, unless youm an alien you will rarely exit the corner before your nemesis in the same manner, especially if you add in opposition, so the trick is (as stated earlier) to learn every possible scenario for the whole track. The biggest problem you find in mp is hotlappers think they're fast (and for one lap they are, maybe), nearly always end up mid pack in qualifying only to pass all the spinning, crashing hotlappers who have no idea what a mirror is or have any idea or concept of leaving space or in fact that there are other cars on the track at all. So much more to driving than perfecting one corner and so many other things lacking in Sims than an option to satisfy a just a few.
    Maybe the cars you choose are hindering your progress, RRJuniorF, AudiTT's or the '92 Beemer are all very driveable, forgiving and a joy to behold, nail one of these babies down and you will be well on the way to getting more than just frustrated with RR.
  16. Andi Goodwin

    Andi Goodwin Moderator Beta tester

    Jan 16, 2015
    +791 / 0 / -0

    ive quoted this one but my reply is to the whole argument ..

    thing that makes no sense to me is it will never replicate the real tyrewear, temps ;brakes etc so you are constantly getting a false reading of the car , the balance of the car etc , getting a faster lap isnt purely the best time in each corner its the flow through the whole lap and the cars condition imho .
    i can take a few tenths out of doing a corner one way but then it puts me in the wrong track position for the next so i lose that gain instantly .....
    drum rolls and guitar rifts are muscle memory ;which is very slightly different to what we are doing here
    again just my opinion

  17. CheerfullyInsane

    CheerfullyInsane Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
    +402 / 0 / -0
    Except that by doing the entire track at once, you get to use the experience from one corner in the next one.
    If you have to do the same corner-practice on each and every corner on a track, it will certainly not be faster, plus you'll still have no idea on how to string the corners together afterwards.
    You said it yourself earlier. You said that you lost time in one particular corner due to bad braking technique, and used the driving-school to correct that.
    Alright fair enough. However, if that's the ONLY corner you were losing time in, that must mean that you did the rest of the corners on that track correctly?
    Which again means that if you were able to carry the knowledge from another corner in another sim into your racing, what exactly is keeping you from carrying your experience from one corner on a track to the next?
    If your braking is good in 8 out of 9 corners, it stands to reason that you already know proper braking technique, you simply need to adapt it to the circumstances surrounding that corner.
    Or in other words, we have already passed the point of basic techniques and are now modifying it to suit our needs.

    Not on its own no, and I've already stated that I have no objections to having it included, even if I don't see the point.
    All I'm saying is that right now, in terms of priorities, a driving-school is somewhere on page six.
  18. churchbwoy

    churchbwoy New Member

    Feb 8, 2017
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Is there only selfish people on here. Every game has to make provision for beginners if it plans on remaining successful for years to come. I am not trying to be the fastest racer today. I am simply asking how to get the car to drive instead of staying in PARK and rev. Nobody reads anymore or we just don't care.
  19. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2015
    +1,043 / 0 / -0
    I have to disagree here. People give the best advice respective to their experiences. The explanation of your problem is a bit vague.
    What controllers are you using, at which difficulty are you driving, which System are you running, etc..
    So the more input you give, the more support you will recieve.
    Just an advice.
  20. Burillo

    Burillo Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    +11 / 0 / -0
    No, you're just intruding in someone else's thread with off topic posts. Please create a new thread, you'll have a better chance of getting help.

    To everyone else, i'll reply when i get to a keyboard.